Photography apps I recommend



Hey guys ,welcome to my new post .Today I will share with you photography apps I  recommend for editing photos so let's get start.


By far my most used editing app.You can  use this to ad massive range of filters to any photo.You can tweak then as much as you like,making every shot uniqe!


This app allows you to edit certian points in the picture,aswell as the picture as a whole.This is good for blurring the backgrounds,increasing contrast between certian colours etc.

Adobe Photoshop Express:Photo Editor Collage Maker

This  app is great because it  have a lots of  filters,you can fix image ,make collage whatever you want ...

These are only apps I use for editing my photos and just to mention mostly my cousin edit my photos.
These are some photos that been edit with this apps

        I hope that you like this post till next time:
           Happiness does not have a price tag
                          so smile.


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